MKPS School History
1975 The Doors Open in September
1975 The Doors Open in September
3. In September 1975, having worked day and night, we had everything in place, and opened a 50 place nursery school, for children from two and a half to five years. We opened five days a week from 9am to 3.30pm, with 6 children, 3 of which were mine!We were registered with social services and a delightful social worker called jill Kitchener helped with regulations and staffing. She found Evelyn Wyatt from a local playgroup, who looked after the two and a half to four year olds, with Mary Lynch and Sandra Keen as her helpers. The four year old group was run by Kay Prior and Diane Payne (who subsequently became Lawrence) We offered morning and afternoon sessions. Mornings filled up quite quickly. The Hon. Mrs Fox becomes our patron. I had run a playgroup for her near Witcham in Cambridge where we had lived previously
The other photos are of me at 27 years old and my middle son Nicholas, our very first child, who really just wanted his mummy back!! Andrew (4 years, my eldest) went off to the local Infant school, Dovery Down, after a few days. Nicholas (2 years) and Mary's son Toby continued at Billington playgroup each morning. Philip my baby (5 months) was looked after in the flat above the nursery by Helen Hall who also cooked the lunch for the nursery children. Some of our first members of staff and children.
My boys the day before we opened.
Walton Nursery
The Old Rectory, Walton Drive,
Milton Keynes,